Meet the new LSD-like music listening experience.

We are in 2022, but still fighting wars and streaming music on boring players that haven't changed in the last 10 years.

It's time for a change in how we listen and sense music.

Meet interactive audio-reactive music player with live visuals generated using the top curated independent electronic music on Formaviva.

Live Visualisations

Sound-reactive visualisations better than being on a party.


Connect with other listeners while listening the music.

Bot Controls

Control the stream through a set of commands.

Because all kids need RGB visualisations

Submerge yourself with an interactive underground party experience with a single click.

Engage with the community.

Express your mood.

Share your tracks.

Participate in the premieres.

Explore and compliment taste of others.

© Copyrights 2022 Formaviva